Minggu, 04 Oktober 2009 00:00:00
7 Oktober 2009, Peletakan Batu Pertama Pembangunan GBI Tarutung Kota
October 7, 2009, Laying the First Stone Town Development Tarutung GBI
October 7, 2009, Laying the First Stone Town Development Tarutung GBI
Peletakan batu pertama pembangunan gedung Gereja Bethel Indonesia (GBI) di Jalan Mayjen Samosir (Simpang Empat Hutabarat) dilaksanakan, Rabu 7 Oktober 2009 oleh Bupati Tapanuli Utara Torang Lumbantobing, Gembala Pembina GBI Rayon IV Pdt R Bambang Yonan dan Ketua BPD GBI Sumut Pdt Drs Datar Manurung.
Demikian keterangan pers panitia pembangunan rumah ibadah GBI Tarutung Kota yang disampaikan Ketua Derman P Nababan SH MH kepada SIB di Tarutung, Kamis (1/10). “Biaya pembangunan gedung baru rumah ibadah tersebut mencapai Rp 1,5 miliar,” sebutnya.
Disampaikan, GBI Tarutung Kota terbentuk sejak 10 tahun lalu berupa Pos Pekabaran Injil (PIS) yang dimulai dengan beribadah di rumah jemaat. Tiga tahun kemudian beribadah di Gedung Nasional milik pemerintah kabupaten (Pemkab) Tapanuli Utara.
“Jumlah jemaat GBI Tarutung Kota saat ini mencapai 500 jiwa dengan pelaksanaan ibadah Minggu sebanyak dua kali yaitu ibadah I pukul 09.00-11.00 WIB dan ibadah II pukul 11.00-13.00 WIB,” terangnya.
Lebih lanjut dipaparkan, GBI Tarutung Kota telah mempunyai Pos PI yaitu GBI Doloksanggul beribadah di Wisma Tumorang, GBI Lintong Nihuta beribadah di Ruko Desa Pargaulan, GBI Siborongborong beribadah di Wisma Roma Anugrah dan GBI Balige beribadah di Ruko jalan Sisingamangaraja Balige.
“Hamba-hamba Tuhan GBI wilayah pelayanan tersebut secara rutin mendoakan terwujudnya pembentukan Propinsi Tapanuli, agar Tuhan memberikan kekuatan kepada pejuang-pejuang pembentukan Propinsi Tapanuli yang saat ini ditahan dan menjalani persidangan serta kepada DR GM Panggabean diberikan Tuhan kesehatan dan panjang umur,” ujar Derman P Nababan SH MH yang hakim di PN Tarutung itu.
Hal itu dilakukan katanya, karena hamba-hamba Tuhan juga menyadari bahwa pembentukan Propinsi Tapanuli telah menjadi suatu kebutuhan masyarakat daerah ini untuk lebih cepat mengalami kemajuan.
Menurut Derman, dalam rangkaian peletakan batu pertama pembangunan GBI Tarutung Kota, Kamis 8 Oktober 2009 akan dilaksanakan seminar di Hotel Glory Tarutung dan secara khusus KKR/Pengurapan Hamba-Hamba Tuhan (interdenominasi) yang melayani di wilayah Tapanuli dan Sumatera Utara akan dipusat di Tarutung pada saat itu juga yang dilayani Pdt Sapta Tandi dari Palembang.
Peletakan batu pertama pembangunan gedung GBI Tarutung Kota dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober ini mengambil moment ulang tahun Zending Batak dan hari jadi ke-64 Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara. “Pada saat acara nanti juga dilakukan penjualan sembako murah sebanyak 1.000 paket,” ujar Derman yang juga dosen di Fakultas Hukum Universitas Sisingamangaraja XII Tapanuli (UNITA) Silangit.
Sejak berdiri, GBI Tarutung Kota melaksanakan tugas pelayanan kerohanian dan sosial yang antara lain mengadakan gebyar kemerdekaan pada 23 Agustus 2009 dengan penjualan sembako murah dan sejumah perlombaan di lokasi rencana gedung baru GBI yang nanti batu pertamanya diletakkan.
“Baru-baru ini melalui kerjasama dengan GBI Palembang juga dilaksanakan penyerahan bantuan kepada siswa SD Inpres dan SD Negeri Lobu Pining berupa pakaian sekolah, alat-alat belajar dan kebutuhan anak sekolah lainnya,” ujarnya sembari mengatakan bahwa kegiatan sosial lainnya juga telah dilakukan sebelumnya. (JJ)
Sumber : http://hariansib.com/?p=94615
October 7, 2009, Laying the First Stone Town Development Tarutung GBI
Laying the first stone building Bethel Indonesia Church (GBI) in Jalan Maj. Naidoo (Simpang Four Hutabarat) held, Wednesday, October 7, 2009 by the Regents of North Tapanuli Torang Lumbantobing, Shepherd coach GBI Rayon IV Rev. R Bambang Yonan and BPD Chief GBI Sumut Rev. Drs Flat Manurung.
Similarly, press release development committee houses of worship GBI Tarutung City Derman presented the Chairman of MH SH P Nababan to SIB in Tarutung, Thursday (1 / 10). "The cost of building a new house of worship has reached USD 1.5 billion," he said.
Spoken, GBI Tarutung City formed since 10 years ago in the form of Postal Evangelism (PIS), which began with worship in house churches. Three years later, worship at the National Building owned by the district government (Pemkab) North Tapanuli.
"The number of congregations GBI Tarutung City has currently reached 500 people with the implementation of Sunday services twice, I worship at 9:00 to 11:00 am and worship II at 11:00 to 13:00 am," he explained.
Further explained, GBI Tarutung City has had a PI of GBI Doloksanggul Postal worship at Wisma Tumorang, GBI Lintong Nihuta Pargaulan worship in the village office, GBI Siborongborong worship in Rome Wisma Grace and GBI Balige worship in commercial Balige Sisingamangaraja road.
"God's servants GBI service area is regularly pray for the realization of the establishment of Tapanuli Province, for God to give power to the fighters formation Tapanuli Province who are currently detained and undergoing trial, and to Dr GM Panggabean God-given health and longevity," said Derman MH SH P Nababan a judge in District Court Tarutung it.
This was done she said, because the servants of God are also aware that the establishment of Tapanuli Province has become a community needs this area for more rapid progress.
According to Derman, in a series of laying the first stone construction of GBI Tarutung City, Thursday, October 8, 2009 seminar will be held at the Hotel Gloria Tarutung and specifically TRC / Anointing of the Servant-Servant of God (interdenominational), who served in the region Tapanuli and North Sumatra will be centered in Tarutung on at that time also served Rev. Sapta Tandi from Palembang.
Laying the first stone building GBI Tarutung City held in October this take Zending Batak moment birthday and 64th anniversary of North Tapanuli district. "At the time of the event will also be selling as many as 1,000 low-cost food packages," said Derman is also a lecturer at the Faculty of Law, University Sisingamangaraja XII Tapanuli (UNITA) Silangit.
Since its inception, the City Tarutung GBI task spirituality and social services, among others, held a high-profile independence on August 23, 2009 with the sale of cheap groceries and sejumah race at a location plan a new building that will GBI first stone is laid.
"Recently, in cooperation with the GBI Palembang is also implemented to aid the delivery of primary school students and primary school Inpres Lobu pining of school clothing, learning tools and other school needs of children," he said while other social activities have also been done before. (JJ)
Source: http://hariansib.com/?p=94615
October 7, 2009, Laying the First Stone Town Development Tarutung GBI
Laying the first stone building Bethel Indonesia Church (GBI) in Jalan Maj. Naidoo (Simpang Four Hutabarat) held, Wednesday, October 7, 2009 by the Regents of North Tapanuli Torang Lumbantobing, Shepherd coach GBI Rayon IV Rev. R Bambang Yonan and BPD Chief GBI Sumut Rev. Drs Flat Manurung.
Similarly, press release development committee houses of worship GBI Tarutung City Derman presented the Chairman of MH SH P Nababan to SIB in Tarutung, Thursday (1 / 10). "The cost of building a new house of worship has reached USD 1.5 billion," he said.
Spoken, GBI Tarutung City formed since 10 years ago in the form of Postal Evangelism (PIS), which began with worship in house churches. Three years later, worship at the National Building owned by the district government (Pemkab) North Tapanuli.
"The number of congregations GBI Tarutung City has currently reached 500 people with the implementation of Sunday services twice, I worship at 9:00 to 11:00 am and worship II at 11:00 to 13:00 am," he explained.
Further explained, GBI Tarutung City has had a PI of GBI Doloksanggul Postal worship at Wisma Tumorang, GBI Lintong Nihuta Pargaulan worship in the village office, GBI Siborongborong worship in Rome Wisma Grace and GBI Balige worship in commercial Balige Sisingamangaraja road.
"God's servants GBI service area is regularly pray for the realization of the establishment of Tapanuli Province, for God to give power to the fighters formation Tapanuli Province who are currently detained and undergoing trial, and to Dr GM Panggabean God-given health and longevity," said Derman MH SH P Nababan a judge in District Court Tarutung it.
This was done she said, because the servants of God are also aware that the establishment of Tapanuli Province has become a community needs this area for more rapid progress.
According to Derman, in a series of laying the first stone construction of GBI Tarutung City, Thursday, October 8, 2009 seminar will be held at the Hotel Gloria Tarutung and specifically TRC / Anointing of the Servant-Servant of God (interdenominational), who served in the region Tapanuli and North Sumatra will be centered in Tarutung on at that time also served Rev. Sapta Tandi from Palembang.
Laying the first stone building GBI Tarutung City held in October this take Zending Batak moment birthday and 64th anniversary of North Tapanuli district. "At the time of the event will also be selling as many as 1,000 low-cost food packages," said Derman is also a lecturer at the Faculty of Law, University Sisingamangaraja XII Tapanuli (UNITA) Silangit.
Since its inception, the City Tarutung GBI task spirituality and social services, among others, held a high-profile independence on August 23, 2009 with the sale of cheap groceries and sejumah race at a location plan a new building that will GBI first stone is laid.
"Recently, in cooperation with the GBI Palembang is also implemented to aid the delivery of primary school students and primary school Inpres Lobu pining of school clothing, learning tools and other school needs of children," he said while other social activities have also been done before. (JJ)
Source: http://hariansib.com/?p=94615
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